Hello Brian

On 10/27/2017 10:18 PM, Brian Potkin wrote:
Hello Martin. Thank you for your report.

On Fri 27 Oct 2017 at 19:52:21 +0530, Martin Furter wrote:


You have to download and install the plugin. It is not in the hplip
package. Did you?
Are you talking about the plugin for the printer model?
A long time ago when I installed hplip for the first time it downloaded and installed something. I forgot how I did that but the printer was working fine until I did the dist-upgrade.
I'm having a hard time seeing where the bug in hplip is.
My guess is that the update creates that /var/lib/hp/hplip.state file before installing the software and because of that it contains the old version number.

I only changed the version number in this file and everything started working again.

Best regards,

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