On Fri 25 May 2018 at 21:23:13 +0200, Francesco Poli wrote:

> On Fri, 25 May 2018 19:23:20 +0100 Brian Potkin wrote:
> >   3. No IdleExitTimeout in cupsd.conf. The default is 60 seconds.
> I have instead:
>   $ grep IdleExit /etc/cups/cupsd.conf 
>   IdleExitTimeout 60
> I can try without this option set, even though I would prefer to have
> the opportunity to set a different timeout, should I decide so...

I also used IdleExitTimeout 20 in my tests. The outcome was the same.

> > 
> >   4. 'systemctl daemon-reload' and 'systemctl restart cups'.
> That's what I did after enabling socket activation, too.
> > 
> > a) lpq, lpadmin and lpstat access cupsd and all lead to its becoming
> >    inactive after the 60 seconds timeout is over. The behaviour is
> >    reliable and consistent.
> [...]
> OK, that's more or less consistent with what I saw.
> > 
> > b) Setting up a print queue:
> > 
> >    lpadmin -p testq -v file:/dev/null -E -m drv:///sample.drv/generic.ppd
> > 
> >    'lp -d <file>' consistently fails to have cupsd closing the listening
> >    sockets.
> That's what I am currently reporting as bug, yes.

We can agree on that.

> [...]
> > c) Using lpadmin or lpq after doing b) sees the scheduler never becoming
> >    inactive. The commands in c) above return the system to the state in
> >    a).
> > 
> > My view is that the failure of cupsd to process a printing job and act
> > on IdleExitTimeout is the important aspect. I have no explanation for
> > cupsd not exiting but would be interested in whether the behaviour is
> > widespread.
> > 
> > Yves-Alexis Perez (cc'ed) has an interest in socket activation working. I
> > wonder whether he observes the behaviour described in b) when printing?
> > Yves-Alexis?
> Fine, I am looking forward to reading additional information from
> people more knowledgeable than me!

People's experiences will determine decisions.

Did using socket activation on stretch ever work for you when printing?



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