On Wed 20 Jun 2018 at 00:31:19 +0200, Francesco Poli wrote:

> On Tue, 19 Jun 2018 14:25:07 +0100 Brian Potkin wrote:
> [...]
> >   A temporary workaround is to run:
> > 
> >     cupsctl Browsing=No
> > 
> >   to restore the CUPS default setting.
> > 
> > How do you go on with that, Francesco?
> I can try, but I already have:
>   $ grep Browsing /etc/cups/cupsd.conf 
>   Browsing Off
> Isn't that enough to disable browsing ?!?
> I have always thought it was...
> Has something changed recently?
> Wait, I see that
>   $ /usr/sbin/cupsctl
>   _debug_logging=0
>   _remote_admin=0
>   _remote_any=0
>   _share_printers=0
>   _user_cancel_any=0
>   BrowseLocalProtocols=dnssd
>   DefaultAuthType=Basic
>   IdleExitTimeout=60
>   JobPrivateAccess=default
>   JobPrivateValues=default
>   MaxLogSize=0
>   PageLogFormat=
>   SubscriptionPrivateAccess=default
>   SubscriptionPrivateValues=default
>   WebInterface=No
> does not include any value for Browsing ...

My output is the same as this.
> Does this mean that "Off" is not a valid value for Browsing and that
> cupsd simply ignores invalid values?!? without complaining at all?!?

"Browsing Off", "Browsing No" and "Browsing 0" are all equivalent.
A value other than these (xxx, say) is interpreted as "Yes".



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