** On Jun 12, Colin Walters scribbled:
> >>>>> "Marek" == Marek Habersack <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
>     Marek> No, Debian is obligated to provide *functional* software,
>     Marek> that's it. The software should be free, that's the ideal
>     Marek> and a goal of this distribution, but the project allows for
>     Marek> non-free software which has no *functionally equivalent*
>     Marek> free software.
> I am curious, where do you get this idea?  I have not read anything
> like this in the Debian literature.
It's not from literature, of course. I should've said that this is the way I
feel. Sorry :))

> The only thing I have read that comes close to saying this is point
> four of the Social Contract, which is the very thing we are debating!
> So it seems rather circular to refer to it as authoritative.
So it seems, but the proposed change would hurt, IMHO, the Debian users.


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