On Thu, Aug 03, 2000 at 06:08:36PM +0100, Matthew Vernon wrote:
> Dale Scheetz writes:
>  > I just can't understand the reluctance to satisfy this requirement except
>  > that it is viewed by some as being too hard. I cannot, for the life of me,
> You've not been reading my emails then. I don't want random people
> having a copy of my passport digitised (worse still, digitised and
> signed my me). I know other people who would be unhappy about
> this. It's not necessary, so ditch it.

When I submitted a scan of my Driver's License in early 1998, I used xpaint
or the gimp or something to place black "censorship" rectangles over my
actual driver's license number and social security number.  This was
regarded as acceptable at the time.

Would it still be?  I am nervous about Dale's desire to get a photo of
every Debian developer, at least all the ones joining under the new
process, but compelling people to submit uncropped, unedited scans of
documentation like this really opens us up to charges of privacy invasion.

I question the utility of gathering governmental identification numbers on
our developers, and I question both the economic and ethical value of
archiving this information.

G. Branden Robinson             |       When dogma enters the brain, all
Debian GNU/Linux                |       intellectual activity ceases.
[EMAIL PROTECTED]              |       -- Robert Anton Wilson
http://www.debian.org/~branden/ |

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