>>>>> "Dale" == Dale Scheetz <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

    Dale> On Wed, 2 Aug 2000, Matthew Vernon wrote:
    >> Dale Scheetz writes:

    >> > It comes down to: Can you do "normal" things that may be
    >> > required by the task at hand? Scanning a passport seems to be
    >> > a reasonable skill to require of incoming members. Isn't it?

    >> No. Why should being a debian developer require you to be able to get
    >> hold of a scanner?

    Dale> Why should we require them to have access to a computer?

Dale, pleeease...

Name just *one* task in Debian that requires a maintainer to use a
scanner.  Just one.  Apart from joining, that is.

If you can (and I don't think so), I'd admit it to be "a reasonable
skill" (by the way, good scans are not as easy as it looks).

Now name any tasks that can be done w/o any computer access.  Things
you need a GnuPG key for.  Ooop, you need a computer to use that key.

    Dale> We don't require this. We do require them to be "competent"
    Dale> enough to be able to crate an image file from a
    Dale> document. Consider this a technical performance test. "Can
    Dale> the applicant provide a specific document in digital format,
    Dale> properly signed?"

Why should he need this?   Again, name *one* task.  Just one.

    Dale> This just doesn't seem to be the onerous task that several
    Dale> have made it out to be. It's just another requirement for
    Dale> becoming a member. Why not just obliterate all the
    Dale> requirements, and make signing up sufficient to membership?
    Dale> We did that at one time, why not now?

"This just doesn't seem"... to you.  And, mind you, this sounds
arrogant... it gets worse the more you repeat it.


    Dale> We wish to restrict membership [...]

Nicely put.  As Jim said "what a welcoming attitude".

Bye, J

PS: To the "showing their face"... I showed my face to Debian
developers at last year's LinuxTag and Linux Kongress, and this year's
LinuxTag.  Heck, a couple of them even saw me in the nude (in the
shower ;-) Still, I wouldn't go to the trouble (yep, trouble) to get
an ID (any kind) scanned for NM...

Jürgen A. Erhard      eMail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]      phone: (GERMANY) 0721 27326
     MARS: http://members.tripod.com/Juergen_Erhard/mars_index.html
             Give a man fire and he will be warm for a day.
    Set a man on fire and he will be warm for the rest of his life.

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