On Sun, 24 Oct 1999, Lalo Martins wrote:

> Implementation:
> When the current Unstable (potato) is frozen, instead of
> creating a new Unstable area, we will create the Pool and
> populate it with a copy of potato; plus, create an empty Working
> area and wait for maintainers to start populating it; plus,

Hm... this is an oversight, I believe. The new working area should be
populated by symlinks to the latest stable/frozen...

> delete the "project/experimental" area. Of course the promotion
> automating software must be working and tested by then.

I'm not quite sure about the need to remove the project/experimental
area... The working area wouldn't be updated quite as often as unstable is
currently, so I'd probably use apt on the pool... and I wouldn't want to
use apt on some software from the current project/experimental... 
(For example I'd gladly follow the current NMU series of dpkg, while I'm
not so sure about the dpkg in project/experimental yet)


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