On Mon, Oct 25, 1999 at 03:19:47AM +0200, Gergely Madarasz wrote:

[initial populating of "working"]
> If something is in stable, then it is ``working'' by current definition.
> If nothing else is declared ``working'' then the stable version should be
> there.

That's a point, touché. If the maintainer doesn't like the
vesion in stable, upload/promote another one, or remove it.

> I thought the point of the proposal was to have better release
> management, with better tested packages, etc... read later...

Yes. That won't happen if "just about anyone" downloads from
pool :-)

> > You're not _supposed_ to run apt on pool unless you're
> > willing to live on the edge. It would be equivalent to running
> > apt on experimental.
> >
> > Perhaps we can implement the long-promised feature of apt to
> > let the user choose one of many installable versions, so you
> > _can_ run apt on pool and choose the version of your liking.
> > But that's an entirely different point.
> > 
> > In simple words: if you want safe stuff, ``working''. If you're
> > willing to run risks, ``pool''. Period.
> There is a big difference between the risks of current unstable and
> current project/experimental. As I said, I'm willing to take the risks of
> the first, and I'm not willik to take the risks of the second. I expect
> that the ``working'' set will be much more stable than current unstable.

Point against experimental: The pool will support multiple
versions of a same package. So you can choose wich one to use.
So experimental becomes redundant.

> Now lets take this: how does the maintainer decide if a package in the
> ``pool'' can be promoted ? If there are lots of people who tested it...
> I (and probably lots of others) wouldn't test it because the risks here
> are higher then in current unstable. So how does it get tested well ? 

Yes of course _someone_ has to run stuff from pool. If I seemed
to say otherwise, I expressed myself poorly.

I just don't want to over-incentivate people to do that. It's
like, it should be there, but with a big red flashing sign.

> Please explain the situation with the current dpkg packages in unstable
> and project experimental. Remember, I want the latest from the NMU series,
> and I don't want dpkg 1.5.x yet.

This would require modification to apt. Then "apt-get install
dpkg" would get the one in "working", (let's assume it's 1.4.1)
and "apt-get install dpkg/" would get from
pool. If you wanted one that's currently in experimental, you
could do "apt-get install dpkg/1.5.4". If you wanted the latest
on the NMU series, "apt-get install dpkg/1.4.1." or something.

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