On Sat, 10 Nov 2001, Peter Makholm wrote:

> > I like to complain about the debian distribution.

> You *can* complain all you want. Debian won't be release earlier because
> of that. Debian will be released when it's ready. The only thing that
> will help getting Debian released is by testing, finding bugs and
> fixing bugs.

Forgive me for flaming you, but this is not the appropriate reaction to an
obviously disappointed user. You seem to have the misconception that every
Debian user is a developer or power user able to find bugs.

The right answer would be a pointer to

http://www.debian.org/releases/stable/#new-inst and

respectively. If we don't stop answering user's requests/complaints in
such an unfriendly manner, we will always have the image that Debian is
a clumsy hackers-only distribution and not for the average user.

Even if his claim that kernel 2.4 is so very necessary is wrong, there's
probably more polite ways to express that.

Professional PR is not difficult, but it is very difficult to get rid of a
bad image!

Please do not consider this e-mail a personal assault, I just dare to
criticize the way some developers deal with users, you are unfortunately
not the only one.



"Forgive me, but I'm talking to a politician."
        John Simpson, BBC World

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