Interesting idea.  I'd be interested in a list of the negative aspects
of this, that you came up w/.  My personal feeling is against it, as it
changes the focus people have; the goal people have changes from
fixing bugs, to simply closing them in the BTS.  Sometimes, it's good to
keep bugs open in the BTS (tagged w/ wontfix, documenting a problem that
other people may bring up; or tagged w/ unreproducable, as another
person may stumble across the bug, and find the original bug report
useful in finding a way to reproduce; or w/ a severity of wishlist, that
perhaps the current maintainer may not want to deal w/, but the next
maintainer may; etc).  Closing bugs does not necessarily mean fixing them.

Will only certain types of bugs count?  What happens when a NMU closes 1
bug, but adds 10 others?  If this doesn't improve the overall quality of
debian, there's not much point..

On Fri, Aug 30, 2002 at 03:45:18AM +0100, Andrew Suffield wrote:
> [Obey M-F-T or die]
> Here's the basic idea: turn bug-fixing into a game (a counterbalance
> to the huge quantities of time which moon-buggy and frozen-bubble have
> taken away from Debian development).
> [Kudos to Richard Braakman for coming up with the idea and helping
> sketch out most of the details]
> -- 
>   .''`.  ** Debian GNU/Linux ** | Andrew Suffield
>  : :' : | Dept. of Computing,
>  `. `'                          | Imperial College,
>    `-             -><-          | London, UK

Buying a Unix machine guarantees you a descent into Hell. It starts when
you plug the computer in and it won't boot. Yes, they really did sell you
a $10,000 computer with an unformatted disk drive.
        -- Philip Greenspun

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