On Mon, Mar 03, 2003 at 12:00:37PM -0600, David Moreno Garza wrote:
> AGRRRRRR! You damn no english speakers. Please, please, PLEASE! Write in
> english, that's the universal language.

It's not actually. If you really want to be correct, Math is the universal
language, but if you mean a spoken languange, one of the Chinese dialects
has more speakers than english. (and there are more english speakers in
China than in the US.. but I digress)

> I learn everyday from this list, and I hate those no english mails, AGRRR!

So you didnt learn from this mail.. damn.

You'd also have noticed the replies that had a general air of explaining
what list they should be using. perhaps you should have just let them post,
and forget about the whole ordeal. Debian is international, get over it.

Oh, and lastly, your reply could be taken as offensive, since it has a
rather nasty tone of xenophobia.

> When you see debian.org in french, well, that will be the oficial
> language, by now, please type ENGLISH.

Um, it is. and German, and Russian, and Italian, and .... (take a look at
the list, at the bottom of www.debian.org.)

Mike Beattie <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>                      ZL4TXK, IRLP Node 6184

    Never underestimate the power of very stupid people in large groups.

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