On 2003-10-12 06:03:03 +0100 Alfie Costa <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
How do you know that Manoj didn't read them?
Because I put a couple kilobytes of new stuff in my second message [...]

I think that it is considerably more likely that Manoj read them and just doesn't think you answer his request properly. I cannot see anything in your message to suggest that you even consider that possibility. Now that really is prejudice.

Because this is not clear-cut, you need to convince the maintainers that this is a bug. You have comprehensively failed to do that and I suspect that is more because of the weakness of your argument than your obnoxious conduct.

Repeatedly reopening an opinion-based bug that has been closed and explained is abuse of the BTS, IMO. Please go find a real bug to fix. This is not blacklisting, but you are behaving in a way that may make people want to blacklist you. If you still want to take this further, despite the advice you have been given, raging against the BTS will not help do that. You should consult the developer reference manual for the correct procedure. You will probably need to convince a number of debian developers that this report is justified and your performance here does not suggest that is likely.

Finally, I am extremely incensed by your comparison of your treatment to the class struggle, but these delusions of grandeur and whining martyrdom seem typical of your debating style.

Please either drop this or take it further, but stop playing BTS tennis with it.

MJR/slef     My Opinion Only and possibly not of any group I know.
http://mjr.towers.org.uk/ gopher://g.towers.org.uk/ [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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