
But does not exist no forecast for Debian 3.1 to be

--- Adrian 'Dagurashibanipal' von Bidder
<[EMAIL PROTECTED]> escreveu: > On Wednesday 25
February 2004 02.00, Caio Souza
> Mendes wrote:
> > Hi,
> >
> > It would like to know if it has forecast for
> Debian
> > 3.1 to be available, because linux 2.6.x already
> is stable...
> Debian releases occur when they are ready.
> In particular, Debian releases have no relationship
> at all with kernel, gcc, 
> X, KDE, gnome or any other release dates.
> As to the kernel 2.6 being stable - the 2.6.x
> releases up to now happened 
> quite quickly, which tells me that 'stable' is not
> the word I'd use at the 
> moment.
> You can, however, easily use kernel 2.6 with Debian
> - install the 
> modules-init-tools and kernel-source-2.6.3 package
> from Debian testing 
> (sarge) or unstable (sid), and go playing.
> greets
> -- vbi
> -- 
> Cree lo que vieres y no lo que oyeres.

> ATTACHMENT part 2 application/pgp-signature 


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