Caio Souza Mendes wrote:


But does not exist no forecast for Debian 3.1 to be
No, there isn't. there are still several packaghes with serious bugs in them. Supposing you use woody (3.0r2) now and want something newer, I propose you try sarge.

This will however come to you without security updates, and with quite a few packages missing still.


--- Adrian 'Dagurashibanipal' von Bidder
<[EMAIL PROTECTED]> escreveu: > On Wednesday 25
February 2004 02.00, Caio Souza
Mendes wrote:

It would like to know if it has forecast for
3.1 to be available, because linux 2.6.x already
is stable...

Debian releases occur when they are ready.

In particular, Debian releases have no relationship
at all with kernel, gcc, X, KDE, gnome or any other release dates.

As to the kernel 2.6 being stable - the 2.6.x
releases up to now happened quite quickly, which tells me that 'stable' is not the word I'd use at the moment.

You can, however, easily use kernel 2.6 with Debian
- install the modules-init-tools and kernel-source-2.6.3 package from Debian testing (sarge) or unstable (sid), and go playing.

-- vbi

Cree lo que vieres y no lo que oyeres.

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