Dear Sir,

I have written the application KORAIS, which has been published in the internet a couple of weeks ago, as free software under the GNU/GPL license. It allows writing and reading texts in ancient languages (so far ancient greek and coptic), and also the sending and receiving of Emails written in such languages. Various versions of the application are offered, for Linux, Windows, MacOSX and Unix.

I believe that such an application is very useful for the archaeologists (I am one myself), philologists and all the other scholars who are studying ancient language. There is still no such program for Linux. A lot of people I know could not use Linux because of this lack. The Linux version of KORAIS is only 2MB and can be found in following sites:


I am not making any kind of profit out of it. I do not even have banners in the above websites.

I am wondering if you are interesting in including KORAIS in your Debian Linux edition. It would be a great honor.

Yours sincerely,

Dr. Konstantinos Kopanias

Dr. Konstantinos Kopanias
Kaisareias 18
GR-11527 Athens, Greece
Tel. 0030-210-7791013
Websites: html://

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