Konstantinos Kopanias wrote:
> Dear Sir,
> I have written the application KORAIS, which has been published in the 
> internet a couple of weeks ago, as free software under the GNU/GPL 
> license. It allows writing and reading texts in ancient languages (so 
> far ancient greek and coptic), and also the sending and receiving of 
> Emails written in such languages. Various versions of the application 
> are offered, for Linux, Windows, MacOSX and Unix.

Thanks for your contribution to Free Software.  From what you wrote
this sounds very interesting.

> I believe that such an application is very useful for the archaeologists 
> (I am one myself), philologists and all the other scholars who are 
> studying ancient language. There is still no such program for Linux. A 
> lot of people I know could not use Linux because of this lack. The Linux 
>  version of KORAIS is only 2MB  and can be found in following sites:
> html://korais.sourceforge.net
> html://korais.hellug.gr
> I am not making any kind of profit out of it. I do not even have banners 
> in the above websites.
> I am wondering if you are interesting in including KORAIS in your Debian 
> Linux edition. It would be a great honor.

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