On 2004-04-15 16:20:16 +0100 Mike Mattice <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Basically, this person would act as a liason between the Debian
project and Freenode.  They would be the point of contact for
developers to request their cloaks and would pass that information
onto Freenode Staff for the activation.

I figured out the basics from the web site, but what exactly does being the group contact allow/require that person to do?

The form makes a comment about the group contact having "the authority to act on their behalf". What acts are they going to be asked to perform on debian's behalf?

More generally, does the debian project yet have any commitment from freenode? Channels entered on the form are "for informational purposes only" so I assume not.

MJR/slef     My Opinion Only and possibly not of any group I know.
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