On 2004-04-17 00:22:46 +0100 Mike Mattice <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

I figured out the basics from the web site, but what exactly does being
the group contact allow/require that person to do?
We've made some changes to the site to clarify the purpose and role of a group contact. Please look at http://freenode.net/group_contacts.shtml
which should explain it better.

Thank you for the improvements. Now the page seems to describe the group contact more clearly.

I am still not sure what this "official relationship between freenode and" debian is about. It seems to be that debian says "we have an official presence on freenode" and freenode says "debian has an official presence on freenode". Nothing about what freenode does for debian. Does freenode still control #debian* channels, rather than debian? That would be worrying given that human contact with freenode "will be replaced by a web-based system in the not-too-distant future" apparently even for the group contact. It is easy to imagine another problem like the notice spam and having even fewer channels of communication.

The channel wording improvement is also good.

MJR/slef     My Opinion Only and possibly not of any group I know.
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