On Fri, Jul 09, 2004 at 09:44:33AM +0200, Adrian 'Dagurashibanipal' von Bidder 
> distributed: should Debian still come with traditional CD images at 
> all? 


> Perhaps Debian could
>  - publish a DVD image for those without broadband (does Debian even fit 
> on one DVD?)
>  - publish a Netinst image for the masses
> And make it very obvious in the documentation that there are tools like 
> apt-zip (I've not used it - is it ready to be used easily?) Perhaps 
> include such tools on the netinst image.

It is still a bit early to assume everyone has a DVD drive.  Also you
can't assume everyone has regular acces to a networked computer.  You
can assume access once in a while to a networked computer so people can
burn the CD's or DVD's but not more.  I feel a lot of users would be left
out.  Personally I loved it to have all the CD's when I still couldn't
have broadband.

On the other hand, is it so hard to keep the CD images?  I thought it
was exactly the same, getting a DVD image or a CD image, all it takes is
an other jigdo file no?  If you want to drop the pre-build iso images I
could agree with that if jigdo is available all platforms (I have no
idea of the state of jigdo, never had to use it).

> How many people would be unable to use Debian with this scheme? I 
> believe in industrialized countries, most (prospective) Debian users 
> have broadband or at least know somebody who has broadband. How is the 
> situation in countries with thinner Internet coverage?

As before, knowing someone with broadband is good enough to get the
CD's.  You don't want to go every week asking for another lot of
packages.  And to me it even seems from the discription of apt-zip (also
never used) that it needs an other UNIX system.  Which is also evident
for every new user.

> (NOTE - this is based on the assumption that distributing the packages 
> on the CDs actually causes considerable work - no need to drop CD 
> images if it's actually very easy to produce them.)

Well, I thought jigdo made it really easy.  I may be wrong of course.


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