On Wed, 05 Jan 2005, Craig Sanders wrote:
> On Wed, Jan 05, 2005 at 12:43:43AM -0800, Don Armstrong wrote:
> > The license must allow:
> > 
> >     1) the distribution of "patch files" for the purpose of modifying
> >        the work at build time
> > 
> >     2) the modified form built from the patched work to be
> >        distributed
> > 
> > These conditions are not satisfiable for GFDLed documentation with
> > invariant sections.
> i can take a GFDL document with an invariant section, add another
> section which argues against, subverts, or just supplements the
> invariant section, AND i can distribute the result as either a new
> source tarball with Makefile or build-script etc or as a complete
> formatted manual (electronic or printed or whatever).

The GFDL allows one to make additions to the work, but not to make
subtractions or modifications to the section that is invariant

Perhaps my understanding of modification is fundamentally different
from the one you are advancing, but if a work allows modification, I
expect to be able to modify it in any way that I please.[1] If it were
sufficent for the work to allow mere addition, I would expect this
clause to substitute addition for modification throughout.

Hopefully now my position is clear, even if others still disagree with

Don Armstrong

1: With the exception of copyright and license statements.
I'd never hurt another living thing.
But if I did...
It would be you.
 -- Chris Bishop  http://www.chrisbishop.com/her/archives/her69.html

http://www.donarmstrong.com              http://rzlab.ucr.edu

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