This is a summary of the AM report for Week Ending 09 Jan 2005.
8 applicants became maintainers.

Christoph Haas <haas>

  "I'm a 30 year old computer scientist who has been a Linux addict for
  14 years. After I got told of Debian I switched to Debian in 2002 and
  never looked back. I'm currently maintaining two Debian packages:
  'ethstatus' is already in the distribution. 'cream' is ready to be
  uploaded. More packages are already in the queue.

  Besides doing usual tasks (user support on IRC and mailing lists, doing
  translations, complaining about bugs and writing tutorials for I started a larger project with Ivo Marino and
  Christoph Siess: "". I sponsored the hardware and
  negotiated the sponsored internet connection at a local ISP to run a
  public Debian package repository. Our intention was to improve the
  package quality from new maintainers and make them familiar with the
  upload process. I created an import system similar to mini-dinstall in
  Perl that is compatible with dput and dupload. New maintainers use this
  storage to make their packages publicly available so that potential
  sponsors can have a look at it. This service has been available for
  eight months now and we already have 155 developers registered. We
  presented our service in a speech at the LinuxTag 2003 in

John Lightsey <lightsey>

  "I began using and administering computers running free software after
  I left the Army in early 2000.  Initially I used Mandrake and RedHat,
  but after a few months I began to worry that Mandrake didn't care enough
  about quality, and RedHat was too concerned with making money.  Debian
  really appealed to me be because of it's non-commercial nature and strong
  commitment to reliable software over flashy new version numbers.
  Building a distro around KDE 3.x-beta1 may look great on a box cover,
  but it's a nightmare to work with.

  Around March of 2003 I decided to start contributing back to Debian by
  fixing RC bugs.  Within the last few months I've also started to adopt
  orphaned packages that I use regularly.  More than anything else I'd
  like to help Debian live up the goal of "high-quality" free software
  referenced in the Social Contract.  In my opinion, bug hunting and
  giving software you love plenty of TLC is the way to build a
  high-quality distro."

David Parker <dap>

  "At age 5 I taught myself to program on an Apple II GS and since then
  have been exploring the art of computing. About five or six years
  ago I got my hands on a magazine distributed with a (now) primitive
  version of Slackware and worked up the courage to try it out. In
  those in between years, I had become a Windows guru and as I learned
  more, I saw more and more fundamental flaws in Windows as a
  computing platform. Aside from the obvious benefits of a "free as in
  speech" system, Debian's "we won't hide problems" mantra appealed
  strongly to me, since as a programmer I knew better than to blindly
  accept badly written software. After a few years of using Linux on
  and off, toying with the various distributions, I finally decided to
  use Linux full time and at that point I felt I had enough experience
  to choose Debian as my distribution. Since then I have implemented
  Debian in a number of different environments (school computer labs,
  specialized applications, Linux servers for clients, etc) and have
  converted 5 other friends to Debian exclusively (also exposing
  handfuls of others to Debian and Linux in general).

  Also if you're bored and want a less techie intro about me, it's at

Gustavo Franco <stratus>

  Gustavo maintains a number of packages, including directoryassistant,
  kerneltop, libcrypt-cbc-perl, libcrypt-rijndael-perl, libfortune-perl,
  libgeo-ipfree-perl, notebook, and prokyon3.

Isaac Clerencia <isaac>

   "I study in the University of Zaragoza, I'm in the last year (5) of
   Computer Science, I'm 22 years old. I'm working eventually, at this
   moment, I administer a network with some Debian workstations and I'm
   being a teacher in a "Network services with Debian" course ...

   I have just started my ¿"end of degree"? project, I'm working with
   SystemImager to set up an automatic installation server with several
   Debian images in the government of my region."

Thomas Wana <greuff>

  "I'm a 22 years old student of computer sciences at the FH Wr. Neustadt
  in Austria (that's kind of a bachelor's degree university). Before
  that I finished a 5 years technical college for computer sciences
  and business administration (HTL for the ones who know that *g*), so
  I have been in business for 8 years already :-)


  Technically I am a programmer, and I am especially interested in
  security stuff, auditing source code, writing exploits and so on,
  so I hope I can do something useful for the Debian Security Team.
  Martin Michlmayr said they need people. I am a member of the security
  group, we are working on security tools and writing exploits for
  security holes as we find them or hear of them (and we post them all
  to bugtraq - really *g*) I also want to take care of further packages
  as they cross my way.

  My motivation to spend my time for free software is that it brings
  the power back to the engineers where it belongs to. We don't act
  because of financial interests, we act because we love the technology.
  Big companies like Microsoft have to grow or else they will die,
  so they grow no matter what, and that's a bad thing. They have the
  need to control everything, so they (and other companies of course)
  introduce things like TCPA, software patents and let's-see-what-they-
  will-come-up-with-in-the-future, which cuts away the freedom to
  access the technology and use it for whatever you want.

  They often say free software ruins the software industry because we
  give away software for free. Well, it really seems that you can't
  make the big buck with OSes these days :-) but you can certainly earn
  money by providing support, by writing documentation, by writing
  customized software for other companies. There is so much to do, but
  business models will change, that's for sure. I recognize that a
  healthy economy is crucial for a working community.

  I honestly think that free software is very very important for our
  branch. It should remain free."

Per Olofsson <pelle>

  "I'm a 17-year-old student living in Stockholm, Sweden. I've been
  playing with computers for as long as I can remember, probably since
  the age of five or so. I have had some limited Unix experience before,
  but it wasn't until some five years ago I began using Linux. Starting
  with Redhat and Slackware, I eventually became enlightened by the
  wonderful world of Debian. I have also been working some at the
  Stockholm University's Department of Computer and Systems Sciences,
  where I have been the driving force in replacing almost all of the old
  Solaris systems with Debian.

  Slightly more than one year ago, I started maintaining the Ion
  packages in Debian. For those who don't know, Ion is the most
  brilliant window manager there is, and one of the probably very few
  that will not turn your desktop into a complete mess. Lately, I have
  also become the de facto maintainer of pcmcia-cs, which is a more
  complex and more popular package.

  I have not decided exactly what I want to do in the future. I have
  many ideas, so there is much to choose from. I very much fancy Debian,
  and it is in my interest to see the whole of it improve, get more
  popular, and closer to the goal of being the Universal Operating
  System. Right now I'm mostly worried about getting sarge released, so
  I hope I will be able to find time to aid the debian-installer effort,
  although I have to look after the packages I maintain as well. This is
  also related to PCMCIA, where I have been doing some work for the

Henning Makholm <henning>

   "I'm a computer scientist, 30 year old and just got my Ph.D., have been
   hacking in various languages since childhood.


   For a long time, my home computer was not connected to the net except
   for a slow modem dial-in, so I was not able to contribute technically
   to the developent of Debian. Instead I started hanging around on
   debian-legal to help analyze software licenses (and participate in
   flamewars about the proper reading of the DFSG). This was a task that
   could be done from the university, where I had net connection but not
   access to a Debian box.


   Why Debian and not some other worthy free software project? I have
   always had a soft spot for the "infrastructural" facets of the
   projects I hack - I tend to be the one who ends up doing the
   makefiles, the configuration-file-parsing engine, and that kind of
   stuff. This naturally leads to an interest in operating systems,
   tools, packaging and policy integration. I could have done similar
   things for one of the *bsd projects, but Debian seems to take a
   stronger (or at least more explicit) position wrt policy integration
   and software freedom, which suits me."

Martin Michlmayr

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