On Wed, Jun 27, 2007 at 01:27:00PM +0200, Jacobo Tarrio wrote:
[ on the Debian Condorcet method ]
>  It's targeted to finding the one winner, but it's easy to adapt to finding
> a list: get the winner, then remove it from the list of options and get the
> new winner, then remove it from the list of options and get the new winner,
> etc.

The reason we use the Condorcet method (particularly, I believe, its Schulze
variant) is that it satisfies all kinds of nice properties.  The obvious
adaptation you mention fails a property which I consider a very important
property of multiple-winner election methods (namely, proportionality).

However, there is a proposal from Markus Schulze for a multiple-winner election
method that is claimed to satisfy proportionality and that contains the
single-winner Schulze method as a special case.  (See

Antti-Juhani Kaijanaho, Jyväskylä

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