On Tue, 16 Sep 2008 16:16:48 -0500, John Goerzen wrote:

> On Mon, Sep 15, 2008 at 06:12:08PM +0200, David Paleino wrote:
> > Please don't take this as a provoking mail, I'm in NM, and God knows how
> > many times I've read the Social Contract (and DFSG, and DMUP, and $policy)
> > before applying :)...
> > Did I miss something?
> No.  I agree with you, and actually proposed a General Resolution 8
> years ago to get rid of non-free software:
> http://lists.debian.org/debian-devel/2000/06/msg00549.html
> http://www.debian.org/vote/2000/vote_0008
> It was never voted on because the project secretary disappeared, if
> memory serves.
> There was also a vote in 2004 on a different resolution:
> http://www.debian.org/vote/2004/vote_002
> I guess this means that it's about time for another once-every-4-years
> vote :-)

Probably :)
If I were a DD (-- and I'm NM), I'd think a bit more before proposing a GR to
*completely* remove non-free. Non-free is, for some users, necessary (I'd
happily --purge flashplugin-nonfree, but I can't -- I need it [work,
university, $foo]).

Instead of removing non-free, I'd support the idea of non-free.org, and if that
will make the FSF endorse us again, why not? :)

Non-free is there just because the free counterparts aren't optimal. Someday
these will, and non-free will just disappear from Debian :)


 . ''`.  Debian maintainer | http://wiki.debian.org/DavidPaleino
 : :'  : Linuxer #334216 --|-- http://www.hanskalabs.net/
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