On Tue, Nov 25, 2008 at 08:17:22PM +0100, W. Martin Borgert wrote:
> > Requirements:
> ...
> >        * Younger than 35 years
> I would very much appreciate, if Debian would not publish job
> offers that discriminate on the grounds of race, ethnic origin,
> disability, age, gender, sexual orientation or religion. Not
> only it is illegal in some countries, I find it highly
> inappropriate for our project. Thanks for your attention.

Everything is illegal in some countries, so that can't be an argument
for keeping this sort of thing off our job boards.  And while this sort
of discrimination is highly distasteful, I don't believe we're going to
come up with criteria acceptable to the entire project for screening
these posts.  The various opionions seen already in this thread support

Personally, I can't see how any company that would turn away a more
qualified candidate in favor of one less qualified based solely on
something like age has much hope of lasting very long.  Nor would I be
sorry to see it go.


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