
In case you've been living under a rock these past years, I shouldn't
have to tell you what this is about :). Well, just in case.
The Google Summer of Code (GSoC)[1] is an international program that
offers student developers stipends to write code for various open source
software projects. Debian has participated since 2006, mentoring dozens
of students on Debian projects.

The important part of the 2009 edition of the Google Summer of Code is
going to start next week with the Organizations application period
(March 9th). By that time, we should have listed a reasonable number of
ideas on the dedicated wiki page[2].

We will try this year to improve on the performance of the previous
years, starting first with more and more dedicated manpower. If you have
some time to spare to help manage our Summer of Code bid this year, we
can make it a much better experience for the students and for Debian.

Help is immediately needed in many areas. Some examples:
- Map out which areas in Debian could benefit from a Summer of Code
project and connect the right people with the right projects ideas
- Ideas, Ideas, Ideas for Summer of Code projects

By mid-March, we will need:
- Dedicated documentation to present Debian to the prospective student
- Publicity material to promote the Summer of Code at Debian
- Ideas, Ideas, Ideas for Summer of Code projects

Further in the spring:
- Mentors, people to review proposals, do interviews
- Ideas, Ideas, Ideas for Summer of Code projects

In the summer:
- Mentoring students
- Testing and feedback for projects
- Internal communication with the community

As you can see, there is much work ahead. It's time to pitch out your
favorite pet project :)
Remember! The Summer of Code has become a prominent outreach forum for
open source organizations. It puts a spotlight on each of them to
provide a well-rounded and deep experience of open source development.

Right now, you can help with the Wiki[2], join us on IRC on #debian-soc
on OFTC or join the mailing-list at soc-coordination[3] on alioth.

The short "flyers-friendly" URL for the Summer of Code at Debian is :
<http://wiki.debian.org/gsoc>. Publicize it!

See you this summer

Obey Arthur Liu

[1] <http://code.google.com/soc/>
[2] <http://wiki.debian.org/SummerOfCode2009>
[3] <http://lists.alioth.debian.org/mailman/listinfo/soc-coordination>

Obey Arthur Liu

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