Adeodato Simó a écrit :
> * Obey Arthur Liu [Fri, 06 Mar 2009 19:18:57 +0100]:
> Hello, Obey, thanks for your answers.
> Okay. We (the wanna-build maintainers) will be adding to the wiki at
> least one item soon.

Much appreciated. Feel free to submit projects of various complexity
level (and note it).

> Right, good point. Not sure if there're other DDs working closely with
> you on this. If you need sponsorship for your eventual post to d-d-a,
> feel free to mail me a draft.

Thanks for the offer. Actually, Steve McIntyre should be the main admin,
as he was the previous years. I'm helping out here, offloading some
work, but I have him at hand for debian administrativia.



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