Marc Haber <> wrote:
> On Thu, Sep 10, 2009 at 06:19:21PM +0200, Harald Geyer wrote:
> > Well, after the dunc-tank desaster I started to recommend to people
> > not to donate any money to debian at all but to upstreams instead, 
> > because "debian has more money than it needs and giving more money to
> > debian only will cause DDs to start arguing about it and effectively
> > distracting them from working on the distro."
> Did you actually do this while wearing a Debian shirt on a Debian booth?

Hm, IIRC I didn't work on any booth after dunc-tank, so most probably
not... Still I got asked several times how to donate to debian after
helping people with problems or just because people know that I'm
familiar with debian.

> > Anyway, the feedback I got after recommending donations to upstreams
> > was mostly that people generally don't know which upstreams need them
> > and actually would do something useful with it.
> The canonical answer would be "take the bug or wishlist item that you
> would love to have fixed, locate the program's author, donate to him
> with a strong suggestion that you would really like to see your pet
> bug or wishlist item fixed".

Sure, that's a possible answer, but sometimes not the most helpful one.

Well, all I wanted to point out was: Just because people donate money
to debian and not to upstreams doesn't imply that they would object
if debian did support some upstreams with money.

> Personally, working on Debian is a very big gratification for me.
> Maybe a better one that other things I do for money or am forced to do
> for free.

I can very much understand that feeling, but I don't see how that's
related to the question of supporting upstreams...


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