On Thu, Jan 05, 2012 at 12:47:50PM -0500, Yaroslav Halchenko wrote:
> yeap -- totally reasonable -- whenever we find some time, we
> should finalize this... it is sad that 
> http://www.debian.org/events/material#flyers
> is not a wiki so entry-barrier to add mentioning of our flier is a bit
> too high for me to take care about it now ;)

weeeell, it's just one click away: "request to join" button at
https://alioth.debian.org/projects/webwml/ :-)
(yes, I do understand what you meant above, but it seemed like a good
occasion to mention this. I'm sure the -www people welcome

While we are at it: the events team has been working since a while on
the idea of a "debian events box" that should also contain pre-printed
fliers, with some good progress.  Unfortunately, it is not finalized
yet, but if in the mean time people need resources to prepare fliers of
other booth materials, I'll be happy to grant them.

Stefano Zacchiroli     zack@{upsilon.cc,pps.jussieu.fr,debian.org} . o .
Maître de conférences   ......   http://upsilon.cc/zack   ......   . . o
Debian Project Leader    .......   @zack on identi.ca   .......    o o o
« the first rule of tautology club is the first rule of tautology club »

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