Charles Plessy writes ("Re: Position statements short of a GR - DPL 
> I think this goes in the right direction, but wouldn't it contradict our
> constitution, which only gives to the Developers via a GR the possibility to
> "Issue, supersede and withdraw nontechnical policy documents and statements"
> that "may also include position statements about issues of the day" ?

So just to press you on this, of the following prospective web pages
setting out position statements, which are OK or not OK according to
your reading of the constitution:

 <h1>Opinions of the Debian Project Leader</h1>

 <h1>Opinions of Charles Plessey, Debian Developer</h1>

 <h1>Opinions of the Debian Emacs team</h1>

 <h1>Opinions of Alice Jones, Debian Gnomovision Maintainer</h1>

 <h1>Opinions of Barking Kook, Debian User</h1>

 <h1>Opinions of the Debian Project Secretary</h1>

 <h1>Opinions of the Chairman of the Debian Technical Committee</h1>

 <h1>Opinions of Andreas Barth, member of the Debian Technical Committee</h1>

 <h1>Opinions of</h1>

It's clear that the following are explicitly permitted:

 <h1>Opinions of the Debian Technical Committee</h1>

 <h1>Opinions of the Debian Developers expressed in General Resolutions</h1>

But IMO the only reason for those to be listed explicitly is that they
are governed by a formal decisionmaking process involving the drafting
and approval of resolutions.  So for those bodies it is necessary for
the constitution to conclusively list all of the things which might be
in such a resolution.


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