On Tue, Jan 21, 2014 at 05:22:28PM +0100, Lucas Nussbaum wrote:
> On 21/01/14 at 15:47 +0000, Luca Filipozzi wrote:
> > And I actively engaged other DDs regarding their VPS opportunities
> > (although no response so far in some cases).
> Oh, that's great! I've just sent you a private mail to share my contacts.
> I really had no idea that you intended to work on that, given that when we
> discussed related topics in June and again in December, you showed little
> interest in exploring such setups. It would have avoided some duplicate
> work if you mentioned it when I talked about it in [1]:
> | As you know, Amazon provides Debian with free credits on the
> | AWS Cloud. Those credits are normally used for archive rebuilds, but
> | have already been used by a GSOC project (PTS rewrite), and more
> | recently, to start work on an archive-wide autopkgtest setup. A few more
> | virtual machines could be accomodated, and I will investigate if we
> | could extend that even more. Also, codesearch.d.n is hosted on
> | Rackspace's Cloud[1]. I will also follow up on that.
> [1]  https://lists.debian.org/debian-project/2014/01/msg00010.html

My conversations were more in the context of finding resources for
snapshot.debian.org storage (which means one VPS with lots of storage) than in
the context of finding generic virtual machines (cutely, my tweet garnered more
response than my other actions).  The more generic one you were carbon copied

I suggest that your private discussions with VM providers should have been
discussed with (or at least disclosed to) DSA.

(There is little value in this "you should have" tit for tat so I'll stop here.)

I'm worried that we're heading down a path that we've seen before: individual
DDs obtain resources under the banner of Debian with single DD access and with
no record of the donation.

As DPL, you are acting officially compared to the above but this is what I
meant by "fractured landscape".

Not all my colleagues want to be involved, to be sure, in managing VPS
resources but having them documented and allocated (ie managed) is important.

I don't think that that is a (useful) DPL task.  So, if it isn't DSAs, make it
Auditors or somebody's.

In other words: don't fracture the landscape.  But if you're going to, make
sure it's managed.

Luca Filipozzi

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