Peter Samuelson <> writes:
> [Jonathan Dowland]

>> I think the increasing importance of IRC for people to keep up to date
>> on developments in Debian is a bad thing as it excludes people who
>> cannot use IRC regularly enough (such as myself).

> Increasing importance?  What has changed?  I don't have the impression
> that IRC is any more central in Debian development than it was 10 years
> ago.

Agreed.  Other than specific meetings, I don't use IRC, and while I miss
out on a lot of social interaction, I don't feel like my ability to
participate in the project is particularly harmed by that.

(I love you all, but I already have a huge problem with getting distracted
by shiny discussions on the Internet rather than actually getting things
done, so plugging into another giant source of shiny conversations with
which I can distract myself seems like a bad move.)

Russ Allbery (               <>

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