Matthias Urlichs writes ("Re: Maximum term for tech ctte members"):
> Or, if we want an odd number of members, let three members step down
> every two years.

We do want an odd number of members, I think.  And 9 is better than 7.

This produces a very "lumpy" transition, where a third of the
committee's makeup changes.

There is also the difficulty that our voting system is not good at
multi-seat elections: if out of candidates A1,A2,B1,B2 51% of electors
prefer A* to B*, we repeated Condorcet elects A1,A2 when A1,B1 would
be better.

I think running one election per year would be about right.  Doing
that with a committee of 9 would result in, on average, 9 year term

I would suggest that the rule should be "longest serving member
retires and is ineligible for immediate reappointment".


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