[ just pointing to some "related work" / previous discussion on this topic ]

On Thu, Feb 12, 2015 at 09:57:04PM +0100, Ana Guerrero Lopez wrote:
> This is, globally, people are expecting the DPL to do all of the above and 
> maybe
> more. I think it's clear this is NOT humanly possible. What are the 
> alternatives?
> Should we redefine the role of the DPL? Should we maybe split the role of the
> DPL in a few elected roles? Should we discuss (again) the possibility of
> replacing the DPL for a board? Sometimes I have felt like the DPL election was
> a popularity contest, and that's probably not what it should be.

I've in the past analyzed this problem, and presented some thoughts in
my "bits from the DPL" talk at DebConf12. Slides are at
https://upsilon.cc/~zack/talks/2012/20120708-dc12-dpl.pdf (second part
of the deck, "challenges ahead"). The talk video is at
; the relevant part starts around minute 29:30. I haven't watched the
video, but IIRC the board idea has raised quite a bit of interest in the
audience, and spawned several questions during the question time.

Thanks Ana for raising this very important topic!

Hope the above helps,
Stefano Zacchiroli  . . . . . . .  z...@upsilon.cc . . . . o . . . o . o
Maître de conférences . . . . . http://upsilon.cc/zack . . . o . . . o o
Former Debian Project Leader  . . @zack on identi.ca . . o o o . . . o .
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