❦ 21 mai 2016 09:40 +0200, Ole Streicher <oleb...@debian.org> :

>>> Providing a proper Debian source package is also a lot more work than
>>> writing some kind of ad-hoc build system that spits out a .deb or
>>> three.
>> Totally agree. Our standards are far too high for many upstreams.
> which is a Good Thing.
> I usually put quite much effort to bring the packages to the Debian
> level, and at the end many upstreams are convinced that our standards
> help them as well on the long run.

The problem is with upstreams that (sometimes loudly) complains that our
standards are useless. Users will still install their packages and
rumble against us. Of course, I am not saying that we should lower our
standards, but it is a difficult world.
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            - The Elements of Programming Style (Kernighan & Plauger)

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