Le jeudi, 1 décembre 2016, 15.46:05 h CET Ian Jackson a écrit :
> There is a recent case where:
>  * The maintainer has done nothing to the package for many years,
>    other than infrequent (and usually short) emails to NAK
>    contributions from others;
>  * The package is years out of date compared to upstream, afflicted by
>    bitrot, and many users are asking for the new version;
>  * Several times, proposed updates have been prepared by contributors
>    but blocked by the maintainer;
>  * There are new maintainers ready and waiting, with a new package
>    ready for upload to sid for stretch;
>  * Now that the TC is involved the maintainer has written many emails
>    explaining their decisions to NAK uploads, but TC members are
>    clearly unconvinced on a technical level that those decisions were
>    right.
> Even in this extreme situation the TC has not seen fit to wrest the
> package away from the mainainer's deathgrip.

I think you're really jumping the gun here. While the TC is not known for 
acting rapidly, I (would like to) think it is becoming better. In the "recent 
case" you're using as trigger to this very discussion [0], although some TC 
members have already expressed opinions (mostly both ways, I feel), the TC 
hasn't taken a decision yet. It therefore feels quite premature to launch a 
"Replace the TC power to depose maintainers" discussion.

By launching the discussion through assuming the TC will not decide how you 
think is most fit, you are exercising unwarranted pressure on the TC members 
who will eventually need to take a decision.

You have been on the TC long enough to know how uneasy a TC members' job can 
be; what about letting those are now in charge with some room ?


[0] #841294, for those not following the tech-ctte pseudo-bug or the debian-
ctte@l.d.o list

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