Scott Kitterman writes ("Re: Replace the TC power to depose maintainers"):
> Having been involved in one of these things even as a maintainer of
> a package that was not directly the target of the request to the TC
> was extremely trying.  [etc.]

Thanks for sharing your experience.  I know that's something that
sounds like a formula that people say, but I really really mean it.

> I don't expect you to agree,

I don't feel I can disagree with your report of your experience.  And,
going back and looking at the report for the bug, I can see why you
feel the way you do.  Some of your messages in that bug log make quite
cogent arguments.

I haven't changed my mind that the problem of difficult maintainers
desperately needs a solution.  And I haven't really changed my mind
about what the TC should do in the current case.

But I feel you have significantly shifted my view about what should be
done about the general problem; or, alternatively, about how these
things should be dealt with in the future.

I'm more towards the view now that the TC framework/process simply
cannot deal with these problems in a just way.

I am going to write a separate mail in a different bit of the
subthread, with some different ideas you have prompted me to think of.


Ian Jackson <>   These opinions are my own.

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