On Tue, May 9, 2017 at 4:16 PM, Jonathan Dowland wrote:

> From time to time (usually during flamewars) the issue of potential conflicts
> of interests sometimes comes up in various places in our around our community.

Today while moderating screenshots.d.n I found what I consider to be a
conflict of interest. Someone uploaded a photograph of a screen
running a Debian package, with the logo of their employer printed on
the area surrounding the screen and the camera angled to include both
the screen and the logo. Since this was plainly advertising I've
rejected the screenshot. Subsequently I thought to search my mail for
this company and was surprised at the result. Consequently I contacted
the person I assume uploaded the screenshot and asked them to resubmit
without the logo.

I'm not sure if this register of interests helps or not but I hope the
Debian community will do better than the above in future.

Perhaps what we need is a a culture of awareness of our own personal
potential conflicts of interest and guidelines for disclosure (where
relevant) and examples of conduct that is not appropriate.

Personally, I disclose in the Sponsors section of my activity blog
posts which aspects of my involvement in FLOSS were influenced by
employers. I usually mention in bug reports when I've filed a bug
because of issues experienced by employers. I haven't mentioned
employers in commit logs or debian/changelog though.



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