
Jonathan Carter:

> I think that it might be beneficial to revisit the rules of Planet
> Debian and fortify it a bit.

Thanks for this initiative.

> The Planet's rules aren't that bad, it's quite liberal; any debian
> contributor can post and the rules even encourages political posts.
> If you haven't read it in a while, here it is:
> https://wiki.debian.org/PlanetDebian
> I think it's important to be upfront that if an outside contributor
> wants to republish content on Planet Debian, that they be aware that we
> have certain community standards and that we expect them to follow it.
> Currently the planet wiki page doesn't mention the CoC rules at all,
> which a casual contributor might not even be aware of.

For reference, this is the Debian CoC:

At Tails we have a CoC that applies to all spaces in which we interact
with each other, be they physical, mailing lists, or other tools we use.
I like quite a lot because it "isn't an exhaustive list of things that
you can't do. Rather, take it in the spirit in which it's intended — a
guide to make it easier to enrich all of us and the technical
communities in which we participate."

I would appreciate seeing something going along those lines for any
space related to Debian, ie. also planet.d.o.. " part.

> I also think that the paragraph about "not annoy people" should be
> completely overworked. First, even following its intentions, it's way
> too vague. Secondly, annoying the right people is an incredibly
> important part of being human, and I think it's morally wrong of us to
> ask people not to annoy anyone whatsoever.

I think what I miss a bit in the Planet rules is the "Be respectful"
part and the "Be careful in the words that you choose. Be kind to
others. Do not insult or put down other participants. Harassment and
other exclusionary behavior aren't acceptable." Making it clear that you
cannot always agree, but that personal attacks are unacceptable.

> I also think that the wiki page should explicitly mention that planet
> debian is not the platform to stage personal spats on. If someone wants
> to engage in a public fight, they should do that on another platform.


> I also think it may be useful to include some examples of what might get
> a post or an entire feed removed.

Maybe what is in the Tails part about "Be careful about the words that
you choose" can help with this.

> Well, those are some initial thoughts for now, if you made it this far,
> thanks for reading :)

Thanks again for bringing this up!


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