Hi Sam,

surprising statements from you ...

On Wed, 22 May 2019, Sam Hartman wrote:
> The same is true of package maintainership though.  We sometimes do
> change the maintainership because we're unhappy with how someone
> maintains their packages.  That rarely uses the formal policy that goes

??? This seems to be new - at least when I became DD some 10+ years ago
this was not the case, and it was completely out of discussion to do

Why would we need "package salvaging" (thanks Paul for that!)
if we can change package maintainership just like that?

I will remember your statement the next time I consider another
maintainers packaging efforts insufficient.

> As a matter of technical capability we can all do a bunch of arbitrary
> things.  As a matter of practice we sometimes do things that according
> to written policies and procedures seem kind of arbitrary.  And if

I am not sure what you mean with *we*, but I am sure that most "normal"
DD are not allowed to overstep the rules that easily.

> It's frustrating if you want hard and fast written rules.  But it works
> a lot better than if we did try to write down those rules.

I agree with you that having less rules would be much better - that is
exactely what I proposed back then when the CoC was introduced. But
Debian tries to govern even the most ungovernable things with rules.

So all in all, your position is very surprising, and I can only assume
that the rules and acceptable behaviour you are talking about are others
than those that apply to the average DD.



PREINING Norbert                               http://www.preining.info
Accelia Inc.     +    JAIST     +    TeX Live     +    Debian Developer
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