Il giorno ven 28 giu 2019 alle ore 12:45 G. Branden Robinson
<> ha scritto:
> Can you please articulate:
> 1. what the definite political connotation of Pride Month is (feel free
> to cite a representative source);
> 2. how it is in conflict with the position statement at the official
> project URL you cite above; and
> 3. what aspect of the political connotation of Pride Month you find
> objectionable, if any.

1. Please excuse me if I don't spend the time to find proper sources.
I believe it's widely agreed that there is a significant correlation
between supporters of Pride Month and of its goals (see point 3) and
supporters of left-wing political parties.
2. I don't think there is necessarily a conflict, but I don't think
that Debian should give public support to every initiative so long as
it just does not conflict with it, particularly if that initiative is
known to be divisive.
3. This is something I don't really think is on-topic on this list, or
in Debian at large. However, since you asked, I especially find
- support for same-sex marriage
- support for adoption of children by same-sex couples.

> A great many issues have a relation to Free Software; among them is the
> problem of discrimination against and devaluation of software
> contributors and professionals who identify as non-cis, non-straight,
> and/or non-binary.

I would have no problems to support an initiative that advocates just
that and does not mix it with other, more controversial issues (see
I also hope there will not be a similar problem of discrimination
against people who don't agree with (some or all of) "the values
celebrated by Pride Month".

> From my perspective, Pride Month has many objectives yet to achieve.
> For instance, Taiwan recently became the _first_ nation in Asia to
> legalize same-sex marriage, not the last.  It's widely agreed that Asia
> is a big place with lots of people.  Just to set a milestone, perhaps we
> can revisit this question when over half the world's population enjoys a
> right to same-sex marriage.

I gather from this that you regard same-sex marriage and other similar
issues as unconditionally "good things" -- so that the only reason not
to push for those would be that they have been already accepted by
everybody. If that's your perspective then I understand how you can't
possibly see any problem with Debian supporting initiatives like Pride
Month. But please consider that there are many people that do not
share that view.


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