On 2019/08/28 17:47, Sam Hartman wrote:
> This group will help me by being a group that I can get advice from even
> when I need to share confidential information to get that advice.
> One of the reasons I'm proposing to delegate this rather than treating
> it informally is to make it clear that these people can be part of the
> process enough to receive confidential information.

Just one thing that I am /slightly/ confused about (which means that
there might be someone else who is too). The topic, and particularly
"Delegation Advisory Group" gave me the impression that this would be a
group of people that help you out with delegations specifically, but the
description in the body seems to imply that this group will be a body of
general advisors that you can consult as a springboard on any
topic/problem that concerns the DPL? Do I have that right?

Either way I think the text is good and it's a nice selection of people
who aren't just "yes men", which is kind of important in a group like that.


  ⢀⣴⠾⠻⢶⣦⠀  Jonathan Carter (highvoltage) <jcc>
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