Le jeudi 05 septembre 2019 à 09:35:01-0400, Sam Hartman a écrit :
> >>>>> "Adam" == Adam D Barratt <a...@adam-barratt.org.uk> writes:
> I don't think it even means that.
> >  8.2. Appointment
> >   The Delegates are appointed by the Project Leader and may be replaced
> >   by the Leader at the Leader's discretion. The Project Leader may not
> >   make the position as a Delegate conditional on particular decisions by
> >   the Delegate, nor may they override a decision made by a Delegate once
> >   made.
> That is, if they introduced a resolution overriding a decision I made, I
> could not remove that resolution.  I cannot change the decision they
> made.
> There's a related provision:
> >  5.1. Powers
> >   The Project Leader may:
> >    1. Appoint Delegates or delegate decisions to the Technical Committee.
> >       The Leader may define an area of ongoing responsibility or a
> >       specific decision and hand it over to another Developer or to the
> >       Technical Committee.
> >       Once a particular decision has been delegated and made the Project
> >       Leader may not withdraw that delegation; however, they may withdraw
> >       an ongoing delegation of particular area of responsibility.
> Even that doesn't say that there cannot be overlaps in areas of
> responsibility; the thing that cannot be overidden is a *decision*.
> However, it is slightly more complicated:
> >    4. Make any decision for whom noone else has responsibility.
> It has generally been interpreted that once the DPL delegates something
> under 5.1 (4) that's something for whom someone else now has
> responsibility and so the DPL themselves cannot act.
> My interpretation is that the DPL can revise the delegation and
> potentially even create overlapping delegations, but in general
> (especially without special wording in the delegation text) cannot
> themselves act in such a situation.
> Which is to say that I strongly agree with the principle behind how
> we've interpreted it, I agree with the practical consequences I can
> think of, but there are some corner cases (that are unlikely to come up)
> where I think evolution of our thinking would be valuable.
> However none of this matters to the current situation.
> The power in question comes from 5.1(5) not 5.1(4).
> We'll save the question of whether I could write a delegation such that
> I delegated all of my 5.1(5) power and retained none of it myself: I'm
> definitely not doing that here.

Ack, thanks for the clarification. :)

Pierre-Elliott Bécue
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It's far easier to fight for one's principles than to live up to them.

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