On September 24, 2019 11:15:33 PM UTC, Sam Hartman <hartm...@debian.org> wrote:
>>>>>> "Scott" == Scott Kitterman <deb...@kitterman.com> writes:
>   >> For several of these recommendations if I cannot get consensus, I
>    >> will call for a GR myself.
>    Scott> What do you think is important enough in this area that you
>    Scott> would rather have people not contribute to Debian if they
>    Scott> aren't willing to do it your way?
>The thing about recommendations is that you don't have to follow them.
>I think that recommendations leading toward more uniform practices have
>huge value even if  some people don't follow them.
>And eventually, when we have enough experience it might well be that
>having more uniformity is worth some people not directly contributing
>I don't know if we'll ever make that trade off and I know we wouldn't
>(and shouldn't) make it today.

Then I certainly don't understand why you are considering a GR or three.  
Documenting recommendations doesn't really require it.  Agreeing something is 
generally a good idea is much different than requiring it.

Scott K

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