On Wed, Oct 02, 2019 at 10:43:37AM -0400, Sam Hartman wrote:
> TL;DR: Do we want BSP organizers to take on the responsibility of
> batching together travel reimbursement requests.
> HI.  A while back, I suspended the automatic approval of reimbursements
> for attending BSPs.  You can still ask for approval for attending a
> BSP, you can't just send me a reimbursement request with no approval.
> We had a bit of discussion about how things ought to/might work here.
> Holger proposed that it would make more sense for the people running
> BSPs to batch approvals kind of like we do for sprints and
> mini-DebConfs.
> If we want to do things that way, no action is required on my part.  I
> am very willing to approve such budgets, and even to amend such budgets
> if it looks like more people are coming.  But I do actually want to see
> them ahead of time, just so I know what's going on.
> So, if we're generally happy with BSP organizers putting together a
> travel budget and handling who will get reimbursed, then I think the
> next step is to write up how to do that on the wiki.
> I'd appreciate it if someone would volunteer to do that.
> If you get text together, please drop treasu...@debian.org a note asking
> for review (that also reaches me).
> Asking BSP organizers to help with this is great from the DPL side.
> The only concern is if it pushes  the effort involved in organizing a
> BSP up too much so people don't want to do it.
> If that ends up being the case I'm happy with some sort of automatic
> approval process for DDs attending BSPs (and easy approval for other
> contributors when that makes sense).
> But let's figure out if we want BSP organizers to handle this first.

FWIW, I would assume a procedure for BSPs would look very similar to the
existing procedure for sprints, which is already documented somewhere. I
think having a single procedure for "meetings" would be a win.

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