Hi Sam,

On Mon, Oct 21, 2019 at 09:34:25AM -0400, Sam Hartman wrote:
>     >> 2) Choose to delegate.  From my side the biggest question is
>     Holger> could you please give a rough range for what 'enough people'
>     Holger> would mean to you? Are 5 enough? 12? 23? 42?
> I'd prefer to toss that question to the Community team.

Fair enough.

> I know they have given it some thought, and I haven't heard their most
> recent thoughts on the matter.

TBH I'm still surprised you dont wanna give an answer on this, as you
have identified this as your biggest question (so just must have a rough
idea what 'enough' means in this context), probably even a blocker for
delegation, while Sledge's mail doesn't mention this as an issue at all
(though maybe it was such an obvious issue for them that they forgot to
mention it).

I'm now even more curious what CT people will answer.

and btw, there's no need to cc: me, I'm subscribed to the list. 
(As we are discussing the broader topic of CoC's here, I wish to point to
#12 of https://www.debian.org/MailingLists/#codeofconduct and mention
that I consider routinely ignoring it to be rather rude. Granted, I
usually ignore such violations but it feels a bit absurd when
discussing CoC topics.)


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