On Mon, Oct 21, 2019 at 07:37:16AM -0400, Sam Hartman wrote:

> > * In extreme incidents or after repeated harmful behaviour or Code of
> >   Conduct violations, writing reports for relevant teams (e.g. Planet
> >   admins, listmasters, DAM), to summarise relevant incidents along
> >   with analysis and suggested possible courses of action; and
> my understanding from cambridge is that DAM would prefer not to get
> recommendations on what to do in such cases.
> Is DAM happy with the suggested possible courses of action language?
> Even if not, it's fine to keep if other teams would appreciate that
> feedback.

Thanks, good catch!

I would prefer to receive on the DAM side a collection or list of
pointers to relevant things, and anything I could use to decide what to
do, and I fear that receiving suggestions on what to do would make
things more complicated.

This is because if feel that if we receive a suggestion, not only we
still need to figure out a course of action independently of what the
reporter(s) suggests, but then we also need to deal with a conflict with
the reporter(s) if the course of action that we choose is different from
what was suggested.

We might of course find it helpful or important, depending on cases, to
reach out to the reporter(s) or other people involved to discuss
possible course of actions.


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