On Dec 20 2019, Martina Ferrari <tin...@debian.org> wrote:
> Do people actually care about making Debian a welcoming place for
> minorities? Then speak up, take risks, or stop pretending you
> care. And I don't mean sending requests to listmaster, I mean putting
> your body and privilege in the front line.

Even though I'm not that much involved in Debian these days, I do want
Debian to be a welcoming place for minorities. What's been written in
this thread has been repulsive.

I'm honestly not sure what you mean with in "take risks and put your
body and privilege in the front line" in this context though. The only
thing I can think of is to write an email like this (which I haven't
done so far because I wanted to avoid putting oil on the fire, but I
understand now that this wasn't the right reaction). Is there anything
else people like me could do in this specific situation?


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