Hi Gagz,

On 21 December 2019 16:41:03 GMT-03:00, gagz <g...@immerda.ch> wrote:

>I am myself a transwomen, and reading tina's post made me angry and sad
>at the debian community. It also revived my never ending hopeless wish
>to see things change. Tina you have my full (but sadly pretty much
>useless) support.

Thanks! It matters to know that there are more trans folk around, and to
support each other.

>I have seen many messages stating that one should always respect the
>when answering hate messages such as the ones from norbert and gerardo.
>I want to say that this is *bullshit*. This is bullshit because the
>violence *has been there already*, when people have refused to respect
>genders and names other people use.


> And I can assure you, I would
>to be told 1000 times that i'm a hasshole than 10 times misgendered or
>deadnamed. There is just no way to compare a violence where people feel
>hurt because of an insult with a violence where people feel like they
>don't have the f*ckin right to exist and have a word to say about
>own identity*. Plus that violence is a systemic violence. It doens't
>only come from individuals, it comes from the media, the police, the
>state, at school, at work, at home, in the music, in the movies, in
>front of big groups or with our best friends.


>So, please stop calling such nice answers "violent". If I wanted to be
>violent against transphobic people I'd just go find them and break
>knees with a baseball bat. That would be kind of violent I reckon.

My feelings exactly. This graffito sums it up well

>My solidarity goes to women, transgenders, non-binary folks, faggots,
>dykes, people of color, lesbians, gays, people with different
>the fat, the youngests, the oldests, the weirdoes, the freaks, the ones
>that have died for their survivance, the ones who are still alive and

Thanks for speaking up! <3


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