> Hi,
> I looking for ways to moderate a mailinglist distributed.
> Distributed as: serveral people do the job (not a job
> for a single person)
> Goal is a healthy (mailinglist) community.
> Vision I have for a healthy ML is like  nice village
> that is becoming a nice town. Citizens are aware it
> is their own habitat and it is their interrest to keep
> in a good shape.
> Normal situation is lively communication on the ML.
> In abnormal situations gets toxic into the ML.
> That is what should be prevented.
> ML software can easily block non-subscriber postings.
> Software I'm looking for can delay postings based
> upon reputation from a subscriber. The delay allows
> the pool of moderators to review such posting.
> Posting of subscriber with establish repuation
> go through without a delay. It skips "review queue"
> New subcribers will recieve postings. Their first
> posting gets a delay  of N minutes.
> The delay has a time-out. If no-one approved a posting
> from the review queue, the posting goes through the ML.
> Such "time-out-expired posting" tells that the pool of
> moderators is too small.
> Please share your idea of such mailinglist features.

Foo is a placeholder

We are familiar with a mailinglist like   f...@lists.doman.tld

Subscribe, Unsubscribe
and other user requests go to foo-requ...@lists.domain.tld

For the pool of moderators there is foo-rev...@lists.domain.tld
where they can sent there approval (or disapproval) of postings
that need review.

Q: Which postings need review?
A: Postings of subscribers without a established reputation.

Q: How will moderators be informed about a posting needing review?
A: By email from the mailinglist software at server.

The moderator sends her/his judgement as a reply
to foo-rev...@lists.domain.list
ML S/W then distributes the posting to the whole ML
(or drops the posting (like spam))

Moderators volunteer themself for the task  and listmaster
configures that at ML S/W.  These are human actions by design.

Q: Will a moderator see postings  twice?
A: Mostly no. Some, yes, the postings of reputation below threshold.

Q: What about the regular ML subscribers?
A: Yes, regular citizens.

Geert Stappers
Silence is hard to parse

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