
Geert Stappers <stapp...@stappers.nl> wrote:
> Posting of subscriber with establish repuation
> go through without a delay. It skips "review queue"
> New subcribers will recieve postings. Their first
> posting gets a delay  of N minutes.
> The delay has a time-out. If no-one approved a posting
> from the review queue, the posting goes through the ML.
> Such "time-out-expired posting" tells that the pool of
> moderators is too small.
> Please share your idea of such mailinglist features.

The delay has to be something like 24h, not "N minutes".
Otherwise this is a too high burden for the moderators.

If such 24h delay is not acceptable, the list should be
moderated without such time-out (mails from non-subscribers
are only going through to the list when a moderator accepts
it), as it is widely common in the internet these days.

Such was already proposed for the debian-www list by Steve 
McIntyre in december to deal with spam, and today I noticed
that this is really needed:
when I read that posting in december, it was not clear to
me, but today I realized that my mail provider silently 
filters out most of the spam for me, so the amount of spam
was hidden for my eyes. Until today, where I scrolled through
the mailinglist archive and saw, how much spam the list gets!
This should be considered unacceptable!

So, yes, an infrastructure and team for list moderation 
should be created!

If we accept spam and terror/harassment on our lists, we
risk that too many people are ignoring the lists completely,
and lower their Debian work to a minimum.


Holger Wansing <hwans...@mailbox.org>
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